4 Types of Belts Clothing and Fashion

There are various types of belts are good for both men and women. The main function of the belt is to strengthen the pants that sometimes greatness and also makes the display of shirts that are incorporated into the pants be neat.

For some people using belts is mandatory because the formal, but also a lot of connective the waist made as accessories for fashion. Especially for women, accessories belt very important role so that the appearance is always interesting.

Belts Clothing and Fashion Types 

The belt is very vital to some grown man. Therefore we recommend that you should know the type of belt which is most appropriate for you.

  • Formal

The formal belt is identical to a grown man who often is in a neat neighborhood. Like the time in the office, activities that often wore suits, while the work or meeting. The type of formal quality belts is made from genuine leather with luxurious design.

  • Casual

This type of casual belts more relaxed and more models. There are many used materials such as synthetic, canvas and also the skin. Among adolescents more often use this type of casual attire that reflects a neat but also flexible and trendy.

  • Canvas

This type of canvas belt model teen, much liked due to the elastic material, and their color assortment. Material canvas color, bright and relaxing it is less suitable for formal activities, such as school or in the office.

  • Fashion

This is the model's waist belt commonly worn women who must adjust to his clothes. It's a unique fashion to support women.
